A math game for kids by kids!
This exciting game was made by three homeschooling sisters currently in elementary and middle school.
Math-a-morphosis is a math learning program to help elementary level kids practice the basic math operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In each operation, there are three levels, where you can start as a caterpillar (easy), then grow into a cocoon (medium), then transform yourself into a butterfly (hard). The app tracks your highest score. It also has no time limit, so you can use it on your own pace. So what are you waiting for!? Download the app and begin transforming!!
Average customer rating : 5 stars (Perfect)
Price: FREE
Ratings and reviews of Math-a-morphosis
Great app
I love it. I am reviewing this app because the creator of this app is my elder sister. I can tell she spent a lot of time creating his app. She spent her whole eighth grade summer to develop this app for our youngest sister to master her abilities for math in a colorful and entertaining way. I helped her by designing the user interface design, I would have helped her more but programming is just not my cup of tea. We really hope this app helps other families as much as it helped ours.💜❤💚💛