NEW Mom-Assist Products

Maamam Aacua Bath Towel

Let's face it: Moms wish they had more than two hands! The maamam bath towel is the ultimate mom multitasker -- it transforms into an apron (to keep you dry), a towel for baby, a baby wrap for infants and a bathrobe for toddlers. $42,

Bebe Au Lait Lille Throw Blankie

This gives new meaning to the phrase "throw blanket" -- you have to actually throw it to unfurl it! When you're done, just roll it back up into a ball the size of your fist and stuff it back into your diaper bag. We love that it’s compact and easy to pack. $25,

The Original Baby Ba
Baby can get a good grip with these bottle holders! Designed so that very small hands can grab hold of a bottle, the Ba not only looks cool, it’s a big help when baby wants to be more independent. $15,