Finding out you're
pregnant is pretty exciting, whether it's your first baby or your fifth! But
don't get so caught up in the excitement that you forget to think about the
things that really matter (we're not talking about what to name the baby here).
To help you out, we've come up with a list of four things that you'll
definitely want to think about before you give birth!
What type of birth do
you want?
For many women, this is a
pretty major decision, particularly if this is your first child. If you're considering
a natural home birth, you might need to start saving now to invest in a birthing
pool and equipment. If you prefer
the idea of giving birth in hospital, will you want to have a natural birth or
have pain relief?
Do you want to know if
it's a girl or a boy?
For some parents, the
element of surprise can be really exciting, so they don't want to know whether
they're expecting a girl or a boy. Other mums and dads like to find out in
advance so they can buy clothes, plan names and decorate the nursery
accordingly – it's totally up to you, but it's a decision you'll need to make!
Are you going to be
If this is your first
baby, you might need to think about turning that spare room into a nursery.
Nine months might seem like a long way away but it will fly by! You don't want
to still be painting and putting the cot together when baby arrives, so it's
best to get these things done in plenty of time. Remember, if you don't know
whether you're expecting a boy or a girl, it's best to decorate in gender
neutral colours rather than focusing on blue or pink!
What do you need for
the baby?
When you announce you're
expecting, or have a baby shower, you'll no doubt receive lots of gifts for
your little one, so even though it may be tempting to rush out and buy stuff
right now, you should probably wait to see what you need. Essentials such as
baby bottles and bedding are fine, but don't stock up on outfits, toys or other
extras as you may find you have everything you need when you open gifts from
friends and family!
Made in Water
Made in Water
Home of La Bassine - the world's best selling birth pool.